


Covent Garden


Health, Wellbeing, Ageing Midtown Wellness Health, Wellbeing, Ageing Midtown Wellness

Healthy ageing

You don’t have to put up with aches and pains simply because you are getting older. In fact, many people find it helpful to talk to an osteopath about ways of keeping active, preventing common problems such as falls and managing conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatic pain and osteoporosis.

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Health, Skin Midtown Wellness Health, Skin Midtown Wellness

Your skin health

In the UK, 100,000 new cases of skin cancer are detected each year, with more than 2,500 people dying annually. Although treatment is improving, the rates of the most fatal of skin cancers, malignant melanoma, is rising faster than any other common cancer. Here we share the essential tips for prevention and early detection of skin cancer.

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