Covent Garden
Healthy ageing
You don’t have to put up with aches and pains simply because you are getting older. In fact, many people find it helpful to talk to an osteopath about ways of keeping active, preventing common problems such as falls and managing conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatic pain and osteoporosis.
How to set goals and pace yourself
Living with persistent pain can limit what you feel able or willing to do.Heres a blog to help you set goals, pace yourself and manage pain flare ups.
Your skin health
In the UK, 100,000 new cases of skin cancer are detected each year, with more than 2,500 people dying annually. Although treatment is improving, the rates of the most fatal of skin cancers, malignant melanoma, is rising faster than any other common cancer. Here we share the essential tips for prevention and early detection of skin cancer.
Bupa Frequently asked questions
An initial appointment with one of our BUPA registered Osteopaths will include a full musculoskeletal assessment, individualised treatment and a discussion of the treatment plan required to help you achieve your specific goals.
How an osteopath can help back pain
Osteopathic practice is a safe and effective form of prevention, diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of health problems, including back pain. Often back pain resolves quickly by itself but if it persists for more than a few days an osteopath may be able to help.
Osteopaths will often use gentle hands-on techniques to help resolve back pain, together with exercise and advice designed to promote and maintain the best environment for a healthy body.
Is your pain acute or chronic?
Pain is an localised or generalised unpleasant bodily sensation or complex of sensations that causes mild to severe physical discomfort and emotional distress.
How to identify if you are experiencing acute or chronic pain, what should you do?
BrEathing exercises
Diaphragmatic breathing helps a person engage the diaphragm fully while breathing. This may provide a number of health benefits, including:
strengthening the diaphragm
improving stability in the core muscles
slowing the breathing rate
lowering heart rate and blood pressure
reducing oxygen demand
promoting relaxation
What to do when you sustain a musculoskeletal injury
Strained or ‘pulled’ muscles often happen when we over exert untrained muscles, train without properly warming up or try to go beyond a joint’s natural flexibility. Sometimes we feel the pain straight away, however some injuries might not cause pain until later on. What can you do?
The Triad of Health, Performance and Body Composition
prioritizing energy intake to best support health in parts of the off season, performance in season, and body composition in appropriately placed points in the on and off season. Knowing what these levels are brings its own challenges, but it is an approach that may provide the necessary balance between priorities.
All About osteopathy
Osteopaths provide safe, effective treatment and care that aims to promote the health of patients. As highly trained healthcare professionals, Osteopaths are experts in the musculoskeletal (MSK) system – that is the muscles, joints and associated tissues and their relationship with other systems of the body.
Training adaptations are a stress response. When you exercise, the body is put under stress. Training adaptations are simply the body altering so that the next time you do that exercise it doesn’t hurt quite so much!
Fundamentals of Nutrition for Sport
What are the fundamentals of nutrition?
To fuel the training sessions themselves, so you can perform and get the most out of them and to fuel and provide the building blocks to recover from and adapt in response to the training sessions, so you improve in your sport. Training is just the stimulus to become better. You become better in the recovery period following training, as your body repairs and alters your muscles, neurology and energy systems to be ‘fitter’. And nutrition is a key part of this.